In this time will be explained on Tips And Steps How To Make Indonesian Chicken Satay Recipe or how to make satay chicken, how to make chicken satay, indonesian traditional food recipe, procedure text how to make indonesian chicken satay, how to make sate ayam.
Must Read: How to Make "Kerak Telor"
(mix it together and the chili sauce is done :D )
Method: 30-50 minutes
Must Read: How to Make "Kerak Telor"
How To Make Indonesian Chicken Satay
Below are given ingredients for indonesian chicken satay;- 2 Garlics
- 2 Shallots
- ½ cup of Grinded roasted/fried peanuts
- 1 ts Salt
- 1 tbs sugar
- 250 gr Chicken Breast fillet
- Kecap Manis/ Sweet Soya Sauce
- 1 or ¾ cup of water
- oil for saute
- Kaffir Lime or any lime you can find in your area
- Optional : 6 bird eye chilies (finely grinded)
- ½ ts of salt
- ¼ cup of water
(mix it together and the chili sauce is done :D )
- Skwers
- Griller
- Stove
- Pan
- Cutting Board
- Knife
- Measuring cup and spoon
Method: 30-50 minutes
Picture: Indonesian Chicken Satay |
Making the sauce:
- finely chop the garlics and shallots
- Saute the chooped garlic and shallots until fragrance in medium-high heat
- add the grinded roasted/fried peanuts and mix it well in low heat.
- add ¾ cup f water and mix it well. If you think its too thick, you can use 1 cup of water instead ¾ cup of water.
- After mix it well, add 1 ts of salt and 1 tbs of sugar and mix it again.
- Last touch, add 3 tbs of kecap manis or sweet soya sauce and mix well
Making the chicken Satay
- cut the chicken breast fillet into 1 cm dice. (cube cut or macedoine cut)
- put it into the skewer (3-4 pieces in one skewer)
- add 3 tbs of the sauce and lots of sweet soya sauce on top of it. Mix well.
- Marinate the chicken in 5 minutes and start to grill it. Tips: brush the chicken with the marinate sauce while grilling. It will become more delicious.
- Occasionaly turn the chicken until its cooked. The chicken its easily cooked so be careful.
- After all the satay its cooked, put the rest of the sauce, sweet soya sauce (around 5 tbs spoon or more), kaffir lime juice (half or 1 of it) and mix it together.
- Put the fried shallots on top of it. Serve with nice warm rice. Enjoy
This discussion of our Tips And Steps How To Make Indonesian Chicken Satay Recipe or how to make satay chicken, how to make chicken satay, indonesian traditional food recipe, how to make sate ayam.
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