List of Universities and Colleges in Singapore for International Students

This is a list of educational institutions in Singapore.

National universities

List of Universities and Colleges in Singapore for International Students

There are six publicly-funded universities in Singapore.

  1. National University of Singapore
  2. Nanyang Technological University
  3. Singapore Management University
  4. Singapore University of Technology and Design
  5. Singapore Institute of Technology
  6. SIM University

Autonomous institutes

  1. National Institute of Education
  2. Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy
  3. Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School
  4. S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies
  5. Yale-NUS College

Partnership programmes

  1. Singapore-MIT Alliance
  2. Wharton–SMU Research Center
  3. Design Technology Institute
  4. German Institute of Science and Technology
  5. NTU-SJTU Joint EMBA Programme
  6. Singapore Stanford Partnership
  7. The Logistics Institute - Asia Pacific


Polytechnics in Singapore provide three-year diploma courses and accept students based on their GCE O-level, GCE A-level or Institute of Technical Education (ITE) results.

Polytechnics offer a wide range of courses in various fields, including engineering, business studies, accountancy, tourism and hospitality management, mass communications, digital media, humanities, social sciences and biotechnology. There are also specialised courses such as marine engineering, nautical studies, nursing, aviation management, social enterprise and optometry. They provide a more industry-oriented education as an alternative to junior colleges for post-secondary studies. About 40% of each Primary 1 cohort will enrol in polytechnics.

Polytechnic graduates with good grades can continue to pursue further tertiary education at local and many overseas universities, notably those in Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom, and be exempted for modules completed in their polytechnics.

  1. Singapore Polytechnic
  2. Ngee Ann Polytechnic
  3. Temasek Polytechnic
  4. Nanyang Polytechnic
  5. Republic Polytechnic

Polytechnic (poly) – foreign specialised institution (FSI) tie-up

Polytechnics have also been actively working with many foreign universities to provide their graduates a chance to study niche university courses locally. For example, Ngee Ann Polytechnic has engaged Chapman University in the United States to provide a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Creative Producing for graduates of the school's Film and Media Studies department. Likewise, Nanyang Polytechnic has tied up with the University of Stirling in Scotland to provide a course in retail marketing. This is known as the Poly-FSI tie-up.

  1. Singapore Polytechnic Massey University, New Zealand Food technology
  2. Ngee Ann Polytechnic Chapman University, USA Film and TV
  3. Nanyang Polytechnic University of Stirling, UK Retail marketing

Arts institutions

  1. There are two publicly-funded arts institutions in Singapore.
  2. Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts
  3. LASALLE College of the Arts

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